Posts Tagged ‘2015 deadline’

Hello and Welcome to 2015 Health Insurance Open Enrollment

October 26th, 2015 by Marie DeWolf

Jack-O-Lantern is a reminder of fall and Open Enrollment for Health Insurance; in Northern Colorado call Marie DeWolf Insurance for FREE help: 970-622-9982.Hello and Welcome!

October  is here ... and along with Halloween, that means Open Enrollment will be here very soon.

For a plan effective 1/1/16:
Open Enrollment begins November 1, 2015 and runs until December 31, 2015 

For a plan effective 2/1/16:
Open Enrollment begins November 1, 2015 and runs until January 31, 2016 

Get ready to study new plans, make changes to your current plans and even just enroll in a plan. Enrolling in a plan will save you fees and penalties at the time you compute you taxes every year. This penalty increases every YEAR.

Do you know we can help you with enrolling in plans “ON or OFF” the Exchange?

The Exchange is a vehicle to help you pay your premium, a subsidy may be available to you – it’s a way to reduce your premium and still get a great insurance plan. The Exchange is also known as, check it out and call us.

Marie DeWolf – 970-622-9982 – WE CAN HELP AND IT IS FREE!